The Blood and Body Fluid Exposure (BBFE) Online Self-Assessment is a web-based support service for NSW based healthcare workers (HCW), paramedical workers and emergency services workers who sustain a needlestick injury and/or experience occupational exposure to blood or body fluids during the course of their work duties. The service was formerly called the NSW Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Phoneline and prior to that, the NSW Needle Stick Injury Hotline. The self-assessment tool can be used outside of the hotlines hours.

This is not a reporting or surveillance service.

The BBFE is not designed for the general public. Members of the public who sustain a needlestick injury or blood/body fluid exposure are advised to seek an assessment from their general practitioner, a medical centre or the Emergency Department of their local hospital.

The BBFE self-assessment tool and information are designed by clinical consultants who specialise in the management of potential exposures to body fluids and needle stick injuries with a focus on the management of blood-born viruses such as HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

The information provided follows the NSW Health Policy Directives and National guidelines.

The BBFE does not replace workplaces management protocols of occupational exposures. Its aim is to supplement and provide support information alongside existing local systems addressing occupational exposures. If you have any further concerns about a potential exposure it is recommended you contact your local infection control, staff health team, GP or emergency department of a public hospital.

Below are 2 key documents to assist you.

BBFE Self Assessment Tool.

This tool assists and evaluates the exposure risk level and guides to recommended steps.

CLICK here for the BBFE Self-Assessment Tool

Occupational Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens Policies and References Guide.

This guide outlines key NSW Health Department, Australian Government and other website policies, guidelines and support information.

CLICK here for the Policies and Reference Guide

Education resources

Course topics covering the management of exposures and infection prevention and control are regularly run by Albion Education and Development. For course calendar information please see Education tab above – course calendar – or call phone 02 9332 9720